Sunday, August 25, 2024

My Top 5 News & Info Sources

#1: Instagram

Instagram is a platform with increasing opportunities to connect to news with media outlets or through family or friends. With quotes, short news stories, or videos, viewers have so many sources for news consumption. I like Instagram because I learn so much whether it's politics, celebrity stories, or funny posts, in seconds I can see all of these by just swiping down. There are so many different subjects to read or watch for all age groups.

#2: TikTok

TikTok - Ever since 2016, TikTok has been a fast growing social media outlet for primarily younger viewers. News and Information spreads fast and this allows the participator to gain a trust through different forms of product information. This outlet describes themselves as bit size learning that is quick information on a wide scale of topics. TikTok is the main place I personally get my information and it is always very helpful or entertaining. 

#3: YouTube

YouTube is a successful outlet because of its an importance through brand awareness. Whether it's a news outlet or a influencer, the consumer will engage with the brand through comments and live streams, creating a trust between the brand and the viewer. YouTube is a easy platform to share and communicate to friends and family, which makes this outlet have a wide audience reach.

#4: New York Times

The New York Times is a reliable trusted news outlet that is the longest running newspaper in the United States. This outlet allows journalists to get their story out and educate consumers about a wide range of topics. A big percentage of people share and communicate posted articles from the New York times which increases the importance of this outlet.  One of their main values is described as "we seek the truth and help people understand the world".

#5: CNBC

CNBC (The Consumer News and Business Channel) is great if you are interested in personal finances and investing. The reason I started watching this is because my parents always had it on TV at home and I got used to paying attention to what was going on in the stock market. CNBC is owned by NBC and covers business and news going on in the world from the perspective of how it affects the global financial world.

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